Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The power of the written word...

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I was blog surfing last evening, and I came across this quirky little site. Typetalk is the brainchild and project thesis of Amy Papaelias. She is a typeface designer who has created four handwritten fonts that capture the psychological essence of their respective muse.

For example, Sugar and Spice is a very girly print. Just try to type something nasty like, "fuck off, asshole" and you get "go away dummy." The emotional context is the same for both phrases. One is just a lot nicer than the other.

The same can be said for Shy Slacker. This font is based from the point-of-view of a somewhat shy teenage guy. Enter, "Frankly, I don't give a damn" and you get "Frankly, like I don't give a damn, you know."

Amy has an interesting concept worth checking out.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Great Doritos Social Marketing Experiment

Frito-Lay has taken the social marketing leap, and boy, did they do it in a big, big way! Last year they unveiled the "Crash the Superbowl" campaign that allowed Dorito enthusiasts to create their own :30 commerical to be aired during the big game. The creative was placed in the hands of the consumer. Accolades to Frito-Lay for such a bold social experiment.

I don't know many companies that would place a $2.6 million spot in the hands of the masses. Brave move! The folks at Frito-Lay were expecting somewhere in the range of 200-300 entries. They received well over a thousand. After much viewing, they were able to narrow the field to five. Then they took it a step further. They have allowed the general public to vote which ad gets aired. What an incredible concept!

This video is a compilation of the five final entries, as well as comments from Jason McDonell, Director of Marketing for Frito Lay. Each entry is pretty damn good. (Keep an eye out for the mouse.) What are you waiting for? Grab a bag of Doritos and enjoy!